We started our Friday Family Fun Night at...
We had an hour to spare between when school let out and when our LPCA football game began, so we took full advantage of the extra time.
She is as sweet as the cupcake she devoured!
I am blessed to teach at what I believe with my whole heart is the greatest school on the planet! Legacy Prep is a college preparatory Christian Academy whose mission is to help prepare our students to be college worthy character witnesses for Christ. We are a University Model school, so our elementary students only attend on M,W and our intermediate, junior high, and high school students attend on M,W,F. Tuesdays and Thursdays the parents or co-teachers work with their children at home. Nate is a Kindergartner at Legacy, and I am blessed beyond words to have him at LPCA. I cherish every moment I have with him on Tuesdays and Thursdays, he is learning so much, and everything is taught in light of scripture! Nate loves Jesus, is memorizing Bible verses, and is learning all about how everything that the Bible says is true!
This week our UNDEFEATED football team had a pep rally.
Wesley, Nate, and Cody
Nate and the football players. He adores them, and I cannot imagine a more wonderful group of boys for him to look up to!
Nate and his best buddy Cody at the football game.
Tonight, our team won, so we finished this season without a single loss! Yay LPCA!!!
Anna WAS at the game with us although I didn't get any pics of her. We chased around "Roary" our school mascot, but we never did catch up to her when I had my camera ready.
My sweet friend, Steph, heard about our Football Friday Family Fun Night and left this little gift on my desk this morning. It was a perfect way to top off our evening. Nothing like oreos and milk before bed. Yummy!
YAY for football players, little fans, and OREOS! =)
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