Getting ready to go to FBCTW's Trunk-or-Treat with Pretty Pirate Peyton.
Shout out to my neighbor for lending me her Monster House to decorate our trunk!
Happy Halloween!
Mimi took Anna around the block for her first time to trick-or-treat, Willie passed out candy, and I took FIVE boys through the neighborhood. In the end, only two survived every house on every street in our section. The pay off: 9 LBS of candy per boy!!!
Anna is such a little copy cat!
Nate and one of his favorite girls, Kate.
Storm Trooper
Halloween observations: In keeping up with the kids while trick-or-treating, I noticed that trick-or-treating has changed just a little bit.
1.) Children full out sprint from house to house. Do they think that the houses are going to run out of candy? Do they think that the houses will disappear before they get there? These boys were drenched with sweat and out of breath! I could not get them to slow down!
2.) The kids actually considered not walking up driveways and ringing door bells. Several families were set up at the end of the driveway, and this made sprinting from house to house much easier. Next year, I think I'm going to sit on the porch swing and just throw candy onto the street as the kids pass by. Oh, and at one point I was carrying THREE huge 9 lb bags for the kids. They were too tired to carry their own candy!
3.) The kids were happy to grab their candy and RUN. I think we were at house 20 before I had them trained to say "thank you" after someone GAVE them FREE candy! I know, as a child, I graciously thanked each and every neighbor that passed out bits of deliciousness to me, right?!
Was almost 2 hours of running around the neighborhood, carrying huge bags of candy with 5 boys worth it? I'll let you be the judge....
Yeah it was worth it! Now, may I please have a box of Dots?
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