Sunday, January 29, 2012

Friday Family Fun Night: 6 years

It just doesn't seem possible that my sweet baby boy is already 6 years old. He's been spoiled with a BIG birthday party every year, so this time we told him that we were going to keep it small and simple. On Thursday, family came over to celebrate.

 Cheers! Nate's 6!!!

 Nate wanted cake balls for his family birthday party. Yummy! Thank you, LouLou!

Friday night I told him that he could choose 3 friends from Legacy to have over for a sleep over. Somehow, he got me to agree to 4 kiddos. I brought them home after school, then we headed to 
Chuck E. Cheese.

 Yay! Aunt Kristina and Matt stopped by to hang out!

 After a big night at Chuck E. Cheese, we headed home for cake and gifts. Nate loved his Power Ranger cake!

 Playing the wii
 Movie time...
The boys stayed up until midnight. I thought that it could have been a lot worse.
Happy Birthday, Nate!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Rainy Day

School was canceled on Wednesday, but I'd already loaded up the kids in the car and gone all the way to school before we'd gotten the message. So, here's how we spent our rainy day...

Nate strips down as soon as we get home. I'm sure he'll thank me for posting a pic in his Spider Man briefs later...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Super Saturday: Waco

Saturday we made a day trip up to Waco to see the Baylor vs. Mizzou basketball game with our friends Dustin, Jessica, and Peyton. We loaded up the kiddos, the movies, and the Barbies and we were on our way.
Anna wouldn't let the boys take the Barbies off of the dashboard for most of the trip. 
 Peyton doing the Sic 'em Bears dance on the way to the game. At lunch before the game, she decided that she was going to root for the good guys!

We lost the game Baylor 88 vs. Mizzou 89.  It was a heart breaker!
After the game we headed to the Cameron Park Zoo in Waco. I love this little zoo. The kids had a blast and so did we! Here are a few of my favorite pictures. 

 This is Nate's new pose. I think he's holding an imaginary gun. Crazy child!

Fun times with our sweet friends!